
Home / Purification

Artist: Burçak Gezeroğlu
Exhibition Date: 29 May – 23 August 2017


The title of the exhibition refers to the concept of catharsis translated as purification to English. The term was used for the first time in the book Poetica of the Ancient Greek by philosopher Aristotle. According to Aristotle, catharsis, which indicates mental and spiritual purification, is seen as a condition for artistic production.


Burçak Gezeroğlu, who’s influenced by her dreams, memories and worries in her oil paintings, reinterprets the spaces and shapes in the eyes of a sleepwalker (herself). According to the artist, sleepwalking is a double binding form; the point where the individual, the mind and the body can not reconcile. The effect of fears and worries on human beings points to what she calls sleepwalking.  Adopting and interpreting these places that are worrying and disturbing her, these places where she spends most of her time, becomes a form of purification of her fears.